The Netherlands

6.2.1 Integrated in regular school education:

Entrepreneurial spirit is in most cases on our local level something that is integrated in entrepreneurship education. It’s up to school how and what they teach in entrepreneurship education,but in one primary school it is policy culture (de The Municipality stimulates entrepreneurship education in a continous pathway throughout the compulsary schoolsystem (and further). They stimulate entrepreneurial behaviour by stimulating entrepreneurial spirit, attitude and skills by being the director and coordinator of several European projects.

6.2.2 In School:

The different projects have different levels. The projects directed by the municipality are mainly for the local schools to participate, but are in connection with other European countries/organisations and projects. (Einstein4all, LOB, Drops, Opeduca). SEE also 6.1.2

Number and names of organisations involved:

45 primary schools, 9 secondary schools and 2 VET schools (ROC and AOC), 2 schools for Higher Vocational Education (Avans and HAS). Most of the time these schools are not all using the same programmes to teach entrepreneurial spirit.

6.2.3 Outside of School:

European level and local level: Opeduca, Einstein4All

Regional level: Avans, HAS

National level: Stichting Jong Ondernemen, Agentschap NL in opdracht van Ministeries van EL&I en OCW, MKB, Kamer van Koophandel, Startlife