Spain: Andalucia Emprende, Fundación Pública Andaluza

Andalucia Emprende, Fundación Pública Andaluza, is a non-profit public entity aimed at reinforcing the economic activity in the Andalusian region by means of supporting the start-up and development of small business as well as the enhancement of employability.

Its objectives are:

  • To encourage business creation and economic growth in Andalusia
  • To foster entrepreneurship through out the Andalusian territory
  • To enhance employability in the region

Its ACTIONS AND PROGRAMES are aimed to impelling the promotion of entrepreneurial spirit, providing training for the improvement of business and innovation management, favouring socially excluded groups and some strategic sectors for the Andalusian region. In general terms, promoting business development for Andalusian SMEs, giving special attention to social economy enterprises and to employment’s growth. These programs are divided into two main groups:

Dynamization: These schemes are aimed at encouraging entrepreneurial mindsets and culture either in strategic sectors and in the Andalusian population in general.

Education and training for entrepreneurship: the educative schemes are aimed at promoting entrepreneurial skills for life by means of the self-acquisition of attitudes and competences. On the other hand, training for entrepreneurship is achieved by means of internships in companies, aimed at improving the qualification, professional development, knowledge-based innovation and entrepreneurship abilities of the andalusian young people.

Working area: The main target public in this Organization is Andalusian People, so its work is on a Regional level. Anyway, Andalucía Emprende eventually has worked with foreign public, with some actions in countries like Morocco, some countries in south America, where were implemented several Business Schools. Of course, Andalucía Emprende works also with European Networks like (Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, Nerta Network, EE&WOW, etc.).