
In Italy the guidance functions are divided between the School Districts (educational guidance) and Regions (professional guidance). In Italy, the two main bodies that operate in the guidance development are:

  • The Educational System, which mainly refers to the Ministry of Education, University and Research;
  • The Vocational Training and Labour System, which refers in part to the Ministry of Labour, but mainly to the Regions and the local authorities.

The Ministry of Labour and Social Policies is committed in developing a general policy regulation in order to allow the creation of an organic national guidance system that would take into account the different users’ targets and that would guarantee a quality service. At the moment, though, there is no national regulation to refer to.
Type of guidance service
Activities/Guidance provided by
Clients/Target groups
Guidance in secondary school, further education and upper secondary
Training guidance aimed at enhancing self-knowledge (personal attitudes, expectations, motivations, potentialities and limits).
Information guidance dealing with the training offer available and its connections with the labour market.
Provided by: schools (teachers), vocational training agencies (trainers and guidance practitioners), private and public guidance centres, social partners/enterprises and professional associations.
Students from public schools and students from vocational training institutes (age range: 14/19 years)
Academic guidance services at universities and university collegesMany Universities have created guidance offices supporting University students in choosing their training path of specialization, in understanding the dynamics of the labour market and the related job opportunities. University students; final-year university students and former students who have recently earned their degree.
Age range of the students: 19/25 years.
Career counselling within the Public Employment ServicePublic Employment Services managed by Regions and Provinces carry out guidance activities dealing with career, training, apprenticeships and internships. The main services provided are: guidance interviews, Bilans de Compétence, assistance during job searching and job placement. Unemployed people. Women returners to the labour market. People over 45 experiencing problems in integration or reintegration into the labour market. Foreign workers. Disabled people.
Career counselling and guidance provision for youngsters from 16 to 26The “Informagiovani” service is provided by Municipalities and Provinces. Informagiovani provides guidance services in the field of training, career, voluntary work, civilian duties, entrepreneurship, and mobility programs.Young adults: Italian and foreign students, workers, unemployed, and drop outs (age range: 16/30 years).
Career counselling and guidance for adultsBeyond Public Employments Services and Centres, other institutions provide guidance activities for different types of users: Associations of Enterprises, Professional Registries, Bilateral Bodies of the social partners, etc..Adults (25/60 years), people in voluntary mobility and those in non-voluntary mobility, unemployed people, foreign workers, etc.