
Figure 1: Established business ownership

Proportion of population aged 18-64 years who currently own and manage an established business, ie. owns and leads an active business that has paid wages or other compensation to the owners for more than 3.5 years. (Source: Entrepreneurship in Sweden - National Report 2011, p. 20, Entreprenörskapsforum,)

Corporate Ownership in Sweden decreased during the first seven years of the 00s from about six per cent of the adult population in 2001 to just over 4,5 per cent in 2007. Although the downward trend appears to have been broken in 2010, the proportion of the population that owns and runs a business in Sweden is still somewhat lower than in comparable countries - the difference between Sweden and other Nordic countries and the small EU countries is about half a percentage point. There are just under 30,000 business owners in Sweden. The proportion of the Swedish population involved in entrepreneurial activity is remarkably constant over time.

Figure 2: Companies in the making

Proportion of population aged 18-64 years who is currently starting a business, ie. is actively involved with starting a business that they will be alone or with others, the company has not paid any salary or other compensation to the owners for more than 3 months. (Source: Entrepreneurship in Sweden - National Report 2011, p. 22, Entreprenörskapsforum)