
Education and development services toward youths are aimed professional development and self-actualization and realized by public and private educational institutions. Vocational education is aimed to progress employment and it is basic to maintain this education with work places. Vocational education actualized for the person completed primary education and but not attend or cannot attend to upper level education or secondary education age persons who are out of formal education for certain reasons by means of apprenticeship, headmanship and mastership training and short term vocational courses. Nonformal education activities organized out of formal education institutions generally conducted in nationwide Halk Ešitimi Merkezleri (HEMs). HEMs realize nonformal education activities by means of reading-writing courses, vocational courses and social-cultural courses. Besides these, there are distance education institutions for the persons who did not take advantage of formal education institutions on time toward acquisition of vocation, completing primary education and attending upper level education.

Both in higher education system, most of the universities have Career Guidance Centers which help students to define their skills to be used for Career Guidance after school. These centers are creating networks and connections in the private sector for students to be employed in those companies.