General information
Name of the activity:
Homepage of the activity:
Organisation providing the activity:
Contact data:
History of the activity:
Since when is the activity implemented?
Main Target Group
What target group is directly addressed by the activity?
Please fill in the main taget group to get the next button.
Target groups:
Education levels
Headmasters / Teachers / Students
Age of students
primary school
lower secondary school
upper secondary school
vocational education schools
vocational training
Is the activity focusing on special target groups?
If yes please specify:
(please specity: )
Additional information about entrepreneurship education for teachers:
If teachers are part of your activity’s target group, is entrepreneurship education part of their national and/or regional academic curriculum?
Are there options for teachers in your region/nation to be educated in entrepreneurship education as part of their life long learning process?

With the support of the
Lifelong Learning Programme
of the European Union