Questionnaire for Entrepreneurs
Dear participant!

Welcome to the survey of the Comenius network "Entrepreneurship Education and the World of Work"!

By taking part in this survey you will assist the network partners to improve the entrepreneurial education of the European youth.

The results of this survey are going to be used
- to evaluate the status quo of entrepreneurial education practises in the European Union;
- to provide a basis for adapting those practises in accordance with the results of this survey;
- to guarantee that the European youth will be well equipped with the necessary skills and competencies to succeed in their professional careers.

We want to thank you for taking your time and your effort!

total number of company employees
company branch / industry
company line of action
company markets
years in operation
your function in the company
Please provide the information above.

You will not encounter this "welcome page" any more after you will have clicked the START button.

With the support of the
Lifelong Learning Programme
of the European Union